44339 Beech Ave, Lancaster, CA 93534

Life Source International Charter School (LSICS)


44339 Beech Ave

Lancaster, CA 93534

08:00 - 3:30

Monday to Friday




About Us

Our Vision

Through its academically advanced curriculum, Life Source International Charter School’s vision is to produce globally responsible citizens who are challenged to cultivate personal, positive, and impactful change in their communities.

Our Mission

The mission of Life Source International Charter School (LSICS) is to meet the needs of under served and disadvantaged students of Lancaster, California by supporting and expanding students’ academic and human potential. The goal of LSICS is to deliver an established, successful, culturally relevant instructional program, while cultivating social skills and character qualities essential in overall adult success and well-being.

Educational Philosophy

Life Source International Charter School believes in a culturally and linguistically responsive hands-on approach to learning. We believe that acknowledgment and systematic validation of home culture and language motivates students to achieve. The founders of LSICS agree that teaching habits of the mind alongside habits of the heart ignite self-reflection and strengthens character. We hope that every student, regardless of background, leaves our school feeling valued, inspired, and part of a larger societal fabric.

Governing Values

In order for students to receive the maximum benefit from their educational experience, Life Source International Charter School’s governing board, administrators, educators, staff, parents and students expect an atmosphere of respect, safety, and genuine commitment to student success.