44339 Beech Ave, Lancaster, CA 93534

Life Source International Charter School (LSICS)


44339 Beech Ave

Lancaster, CA 93534

08:00 - 3:30

Monday to Friday




August Newsletter

Life Source International Charter School News Letter


Attendance and Punctuality   Attendance and Punctuality are very Important for the Your Scholar’s Education. In addition to the loss of learning time the Your scholar will not be able to go on that quarter’s Field Trip if they have 4 Unexcused absences or 10 tardies in that quarter.


Drop Off and Pick-Up Procedures

DROP OFF AND PICK UP POLICY   Scholars may enter from the Cedar and Beech entrance. If you are dropping off your child at the Cedar entrance or the back gate you must drive through the traffic cones and your scholar must exit your vehicle directly in front of the gate.   If you are dropping off your scholar(s) at the Beech entrance you must drive through the traffic cones and your scholar(s) must exit your vehicle in front of the middle gate (between the cafeteria and the auditorium).   The same process is followed for picking up however you must give your scholar’s name to the staff member directing traffic and they will call your child out of their line to come to you therefore your scholar(s) may not wait on the front lawn (Beech Ave.)   You may not instruct your scholar(s) to leave their line to meet you. If you scholar is walking home you must complete a permission to walk and file it in the front office. Permission to walk forms will be sent home the first week of school.


I Never Fight, and I know it takes

Courage not to Fight.

I am a Winner – I am a Champion

(From the Life Source Champions Creed)


   The 7 Habits

   Of a Highly Effective Person

  1. Be Proactive
  2. Begin with the End in Mind
  3. Put First Things First
  4. Think Win-Win
  5. Seek First to Understand,Then to Be Understood
  6. Synergize
  7. Sharpen the Saw



PANTS– Must be worn with a belt at the waist and belts must be through the loops.

SKIRTS, JUMPERS, OR SKORTS– Navy or Tan. Length of skirts and shorts: hands to your side and length must be past the middle finger.

SHIRTS-Light blue, navy or white plain collared, polo shirt, long or short sleeve.

SWEATERScan be pullover or zipper sweaters and in any color.

JACKETS– Must be a solid color.

SHOES OR SNEAKERS– Black shoes are mandatory.

SOCKS-White and Navy Blue Socks, Navy Blue or White tights only.

TIES – Ties must be navy blue and worn at all times.



PANTS- NO joggers, torn pants, oversized pants, skinny pants, no tight form fitting pants, no jean material, no leggings or jeggings.

SKIRTS, JUMPERS, SHORTS OR SKORTS- no short skirts, jumpers or skorts. NO tight form fittng cutoff shorts.

SHIRTS- no oversized shirts, no logos, no insignias, pictures or messages.

SWEATERS- no oversized sweaters, no logos, no insignias, pictures or messages.

JACKETS- Must be a solid color without logos, insignias, pictures, or messages.

SHOES OR SNEAKERS-  NO open toe shoes, no backless shoes, no flip flops, no heelies, no rollers, no slides, no mules. NO BRIGHT COLORS.

SOCKS- No colored socks, socks with designs, logos, insignias or messages.

TIES- Must be worn at all times.



The school will strive to achieve full compliance through the use of positive reinforcement measures, and will resort to disciplinary action only when positive measures and supports fail to assure compliance


THOSE SCHOLARS NOT IN THE REQUIRED UNIFORM ARE OUT OF COMPLIANCE and there will be consequences that are both inconvenient for the school as well as the parent(s) and/or guardian(s).


FIRST OCCURRENCE – A call will be made to the parent/guardian to bring a change of clothes.

SECOND OCCURRENCE – Call home to have parents bring in a change of clothes and a reminder will be given to both parent and scholar that they must adhere to the school uniform policy.

THIRD OCCURRENCE – Parent is notified and student will receive demerits. (Reminder if a scholar receives 30 demerits or more they will not be allowed to attend field trips.)


Scholars will wait in detention until parent or guardian arrives.





 Research shows that school uniforms support a safe and disciplined learning environment, which is the first requirement of any good school.


Emergency Packets!!  The Due date for returning your scholar’s Emergency Packet is 8/21/2019. The First Class to return all of their Emergency Packets will win a Pizza Party


Thank You and have a great month here at Life Source!

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